
Welcome to Solbakkens Hereford

We, Flemming Andersen and Gill Hartebeck, bought our farm in 1987. From 1987 until 2002 we had a traditional dairy production with pedigree jersey cows, and arable crops for feeding the animals.

In 2002 we sold our milk quota and our jersey cows and started a landscape gardening firm based at our farm. However it was very quiet around the place without any animals and we decided to buy some Herefords so that our lowland could be grazed. Flemming had owned some herefords when he was young.

We started by buying 2 cows with heifer calves and 3 heifers ready for breeding. All of them were registered pedigree Herefords. After 7 years we had 30 cows and calves and we started buying our own bulls. We have jointly owned Bondes 1 Raider, Slyks 1 U.S.A. and Slyks 1 Agro. Our first bull was Supreme Cæsar, after that Slyks 1 Focus and at the present time we have Åland 1 Goliat, en SMH Cassanova søn. 

All of our calves spend their first winter inside and all of our cows calve outside in the winter field with 4 shelters. Our first timers calve inside where it is possible to keep a close look at the developments.

After our trip to Canada in 2012 to the World Hereford Conference we were inspired to build an outdoor feeding facility in the corner of our winter field and in connection with our midden. This facility enables us to catch groups of animals or single animals for the AI mand or the vet or any other handling situation.

Today our herd consists of approximately 30 cows and calves, one bull and our bred heifers. All our animals are with full pedigrees.

Visitors are always welcome,

Best regards Gill and Flemming.

P.S. Our farm is situated only 20 minutes from Billund airport and 45 minutes from Esbjerg Docks.